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Social/cultural factors influencing creativity and innovation

admin · 17963


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Social psychology and sociology play and important role in our understanding of creativity and innovation. Let's discuss theories, hypotheses, and concepts related to this topic.

David, M. (2017). Moving beyond the heuristic of creative destruction: Targeting exnovation with policy mixes for energy transitions. Energy Research and Social Science.
Heyen, D. A. (2016). Exnovation: Herausforderungen und politische Gestaltungsansätze für den Ausstieg aus nicht-nachhaltigen Strukturen. Oeko-Institute’s Working Paper.
Heyen, D. A., Hermwille, L., & Wehnert, T. (2017). Out of the comfort zone! Governing the exnovation of unsustainable technologies and practices. GAIA.

« Last Edit: 12. October 2018, 13:52:43 by admin »