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Music & Creativity / References
« on: 18. July 2019, 11:10:23 »
Deliège, I. (2006). Musical Creativity. Musical Creativity: Multidisciplinary Research in Theory and Practice. Psychology Press.
Gruzelier, J. H. (2014). EEG-neurofeedback for optimising performance. II: Creativity, the performing arts and ecological validity. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 44, 142–158.
Brattico, E., & Pearce, M. (2013). The neuroaesthetics of music. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 7(1), 48–61.

An open dialogue is of pivotal importance to democracy and creativity. It is helpful to visualise the "public sphere" as a spatial object. Under the banner of "fighting disinformation" this space of debate on public affairs (science, social issues, ect.) is currently under heavy attack. The sphere is compressed and the debate is restricted.
See for instance the following whitepaper released by Google at the Security Conference in München in May 2019. This all might sound harmless to the naive observer but what it really boils down to is top-down digital censorship. German citizens understand best what this can lead to in the worst case scenario. Book-burning is the physical equivalent of algorithmic censorship. Who decides what counts as disinformation? What are the exact decision criteria? And are the decisions based on a democratic decision procedure or is the decision power in the hand of a selected group who hold idiosyncratic biases on many important topics?
Here are the "three foundational pillars" of the whitepaper (expressis verbis):

-Improve our products so they continue to make quality count;
-Counteract malicious actors seeking to spread disinformation;
-Give people context about the information they see.

It can be concluded, ipso facto, that the days of neutral and unbiased web-search via Google are over...

PDF of the whitepaper:
Additional URLs:


Castells, M. (2008). The New Public Sphere: Global Civil Society, Communication Networks, and Global Governance. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 616(1), 78–93.

The public sphere is the space of communication of ideas and projects that emerge from society and are addressed to the decision makers in the institutions of society. The global civil society is the organized expression of the values and interests of society. The relation-ships between government and civil society and their interaction via the public sphere define the polity of society. The process of globalization has shifted the debate from the national domain to the global debate, prompting the emergence of a global civil society and of ad hoc forms of global governance. Accordingly, the public sphere as the space of debate on public affairs has also shifted from the national to the global and is increasingly constructed around global communication networks. Public diplomacy, as the diplomacy of the public, not of the government, intervenes in this global public sphere, laying the ground for traditional forms of diplomacy to act beyond the strict negotiation of power relationships by building on shared cultural meaning, the essence of communication.

General discussion / Syntax highlighting mod installed
« on: 28. December 2018, 08:32:54 »
This script highlights syntax in code examples on the forum. It i based on "highlight.js" - see
The script works automatically, i.e., it finds blocks of code, detects the programming language, highlights it accordingly.
Supported languages include: HTML/XML, Javascript, CSS, PHP, Ruby, Perl, Python, C++, C#, Java, SQL, Bash, etc. pp.

Code: [Select]
if ( isset( $_FILES['fupload'] ) ) {

"name: ".     $_FILES['fupload']['name']       ."<br />";
"size: ".     $_FILES['fupload']['size'] ." bytes<br />";
"temp name: ".$_FILES['fupload']['tmp_name']   ."<br />";
"type: ".     $_FILES['fupload']['type']       ."<br />";
"error: ".    $_FILES['fupload']['error']      ."<br />";

     if ( 
$_FILES['fupload']['type'] == "image/gif" ) {

$source $_FILES['fupload']['tmp_name'];
$target "upload/".$_FILES['fupload']['name'];
move_uploaded_file$source$target );// or die ("Couldn't copy");
$size getImageSize$target );

$imgstr "<p><img width=\"$size[0]\" height=\"$size[1]\" ";
$imgstr .= "src=\"$target\" alt=\"uploaded image\" /></p>";



    You can choose code formatting scheme
    You can choose font size within code blocks
    Highlighting works automatically: finds blocks of code, detects a language, highlights it — you don't need specify any language


Why is creativity important? / The holocene
« on: 15. October 2018, 02:32:48 »

General discussion / Installed eNotify
« on: 14. October 2018, 11:43:03 »
eNotify is an AJAX (short for "Asynchronous JavaScript And XML") driven notifications mod which allows you to view incoming personal messages or new replies in real-time without refreshing your page. It kind of looks like Facebook notifications and uses JGrowl for the user interface.

General discussion / LaTeX rendering via MathJax
« on: 13. October 2018, 12:17:43 »
This mod integrates the MathJax library into SMF forum. MathJax is the modern JavaScript-based LaTeX rendering solution for the Internet. Mod uses the MathJax CDN. The CDN will automatically arrange for your readers to download MathJax files from a fast, nearby server. And since bug fixes and patches are deployed to the CDN as soon as they become available, your pages will always be up to date with the latest browser and devices.

GitHub repository:

Code: [Select]
[latex] E=mc^2 [/latex]
Some text before [latex=inline] E=mc^2 [/latex] some text after

\[  E=mc^2  \]
Some text before \(  E=mc^2  \) some text after

Here is Bayes' theorem theorem:
Code: [Select]
[latex]{\displaystyle P(A\mid B)={\frac {P(B\mid A)\,P(A)}{P(B)}},}[/latex]
\[ {\displaystyle P(A\mid B)={\frac {P(B\mid A)\,P(A)}{P(B)}},} \]

...and a more complex example - Bayes' theorem applied to drug testing:

Code: [Select]
[latex]{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}P({\text{User}}\mid {\text{+}})&={\frac {P({\text{+}}\mid {\text{User}})P({\text{User}})}{P(+)}}\\&={\frac {P({\text{+}}\mid {\text{User}})P({\text{User}})}{P({\text{+}}\mid {\text{User}})P({\text{User}})+P({\text{+}}\mid {\text{Non-user}})P({\text{Non-user}})}}\\[8pt]&={\frac {0.99\times 0.005}{0.99\times 0.005+0.01\times 0.995}}\\[8pt]&\approx 33.2\%\end{aligned}}}

\[ {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}P({\text{User}}\mid {\text{+}})&={\frac {P({\text{+}}\mid {\text{User}})P({\text{User}})}{P(+)}}\\&={\frac {P({\text{+}}\mid {\text{User}})P({\text{User}})}{P({\text{+}}\mid {\text{User}})P({\text{User}})+P({\text{+}}\mid {\text{Non-user}})P({\text{Non-user}})}}\\[8pt]&={\frac {0.99\times 0.005}{0.99\times 0.005+0.01\times 0.995}}\\[8pt]&\approx 33.2\%\end{aligned}}}

Features of MathJax JavaScript-based LaTeX rendering

High-quality typography.
MathJaxTM uses modern CSS and web fonts, instead of equation images or Flash, so equations scale with surrounding text at all zoom levels. See how this works in the scaling math demo.

Works in all modern browsers.
This allows the math in your content to be seen clearly by virtually all readers, even those using smart phones. See supported browsers.

Simple integration.
Using MathJax with blogs, wikis, web pages and other web apps is easy. Learn more about installing MathJax with popular platforms like WordPress, MediaWiki, Drupal, and more.

Copy and paste math.

Let readers copy equations from your web pages into Word and LaTeX documents, science blogs, research wikis, calculation software like Maple, Mathematica and more. Watch the copy and paste demo.

A rich API.
Allows developers to create interactive course materials, advanced authoring tools, and math-enabled web apps. Learn how more about programming with MathJax.

Accessible math.
MathJax is compatible with screenreaders used by people with vision disabilities, and the Zoom feature allows all readers to see small details like scripts, primes and hats. See how to make your math accessible.

General discussion / How to embed YouTube video in posts
« on: 12. October 2018, 14:01:16 »
In order to embed a YouTube video you can simply enclose the code in a HTML tag. The same method works for other external iFrames.

Code: [Select]
[html]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/html]

Is creativity localisable in specific brain areas? It is clear that correlation does not necessarily entail causation...

Social psychology and sociology play and important role in our understanding of creativity and innovation. Let's discuss theories, hypotheses, and concepts related to this topic.

David, M. (2017). Moving beyond the heuristic of creative destruction: Targeting exnovation with policy mixes for energy transitions. Energy Research and Social Science.
Heyen, D. A. (2016). Exnovation: Herausforderungen und politische Gestaltungsansätze für den Ausstieg aus nicht-nachhaltigen Strukturen. Oeko-Institute’s Working Paper.
Heyen, D. A., Hermwille, L., & Wehnert, T. (2017). Out of the comfort zone! Governing the exnovation of unsustainable technologies and practices. GAIA.

Pages: 1